Friday, July 17, 2009

NZ Wool The Life Saver.

As Arctic wind, with freezing chill factors, foggy mist curl through the New Zealand bushlands, roll over the mountains and low lying valleys, the dampness sucks the warmth from the human body that even the most experienced trampers face possible death.

It is often heard that those that have perished were well equipped but have perished from hyperthermia the question arises at the type of clothing.

Clothing manufactured from synthetic or a man-made fibre draw the moisture from the body and lowers the body temperature. In bushland this can be a possible threat to life.

Wool is a complex protein, which has evolved over millions of years to protect sheep in a variety of weather conditions. Wool a hard wearing, easy care, sustainable warm fiber. All wool is very warm. The coiled structure of wool forms millions of tiny pockets, which trap warm air between them, creating the perfect insulator.

New Zealand unlike other parts of the world covered with bushland is cold, damp, the air wet and the weather can be unforgiving.

New Zealand needs to highlight this type of information to the enthusiastic tramping public, especially visitors to New Zealand, the Swandri, or wool shirts, gloves, or clothing in general have a definite life saving role in the event of an emergency, where a tramper is lost or injured.

copyright. poeticalleadership. marie hazledinebarber

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Standing on a Sheeps Back

Perfect Sustainability and the Great NZ Swandri Workman's Shirt.

New Zealand has a population of approximately 40 million sheep quite a growth from the first four sheep Captain Cook release in the Marlborough Sounds in 1773. The population peaked in the 1980’s to around 70 million sheep but declined in the advance of synthetics and alternate fabric products.
The sheep is a species that not only clothes mankind but feeds mankind. That’s perfect sustainability. From early colonial days when refrigeration was introduced ships left New Zeeland packed with valuable cargos of frozen meat supplying Great Britain in return the investment to New Zealand was the founding blocks of our Nation.

New Zealand wool is predominately strong and the agricultural communities of sheep farmers are leaders in the world. The main four species, Drysdale, Romeny, Perendale, and Merino found grazing the green pastures produce a variety of wool for many products.
Wool for carpets, wool for clothing, even wool for tennis balls some of which have been used many times in world champion games.

Ashburton a town in the South Island produces a sock that is wool mixed with seaweed. The seaweed takes care of any moisture and the wool keeps your feet warm. New Zealand has the famous NZ Swandri a bright checker shirt made from wool and waterproof originally designed for the workman in the country faced with all weathers. Fine Merino wool is used in designed for fashion for men and woman and even used in billiard cloth.

With changes in the way the world trades and different demands emerge for the 21st century, the humble sheep grazes quietly feeding and clothing mankind ,competing with the synthetic trade but as innovation for new products ( like the Ashburton sock) New Zealand wool has a vital role to play for mankind. New Zealand as a meat producer the sheep is a meat that could be regarded as one of the best in the world. Meat that is uncontaminated, clean, well cared for by improved farming methods over the past 100 years. Thanks to the researchers and agricultural advisors in Pastoral agriculture.

The humble sheep, the living sustainable species the knitting needles of the sheep farmers wives of the nation, who make the best homemade scones lashed with jam and fresh cream, many New Zealanders’ owe these hard working people for the warm woolly jumpers, the Swandri, the socks as the country forges into the 21st century on the next step of eco-sustainability.
All off the sheep’s back.

copyright.poeticalleadership. marie hazledine-barber

The Automobile Question

General Motors USA promotes, Bio-Fuels, Hybrid, Electric, and Fuel Cell vehicles as do many other car manufactures. Some of the designs for the future are exquisite, yet on close study the costs for ordinary people is prohibitive.

Henry Ford built a vehicle cost effective for all people, a technology then for the betterment of mankind. One constraint being that one could have any colour as long as it was black.

Enzo Ferrari developed vehicles of exquisite design, power and strength.

The two automobile pioneers mentioned broke through the challenges of technology to bring mankind to the next question on the horizon of discovery in technology of the Bio-Fuels, Electric, Hybrid, and Fuel Cell none are sustainable and all have limitations, therefore mankind stands today in the shoes of Henry Ford and Enzo Ferrari pondering a vehicle that is sustainable, without limitations for travel distance and does not impact on man, or the food baskets of the world, or the impact of huge infra-structure change, or re- tooling entirely.

The answer is quite simple: Henry Ford who inspired his team to build what could not be seen or exist to a reality. So it can be today a combination of academic intelligence and tactile intelligence coming together as the power of one, lead by one with the answer and vision.

copyright: poeticalleadership. marie hazledine-barber

Saturday, July 11, 2009

NZ Automible Association Top 10 Cities

Photograph Christchurch Tram

The Automobile Association release of the latest newsletter ‘Destination New Zealand’ has attracted shock and outrage from the Christchurch Civic leaders at failing to be placed on the list of the ten places to visit in New Zealand.

Christchurch City Mayor Bob Parker is said to have expressed his opinion that the AA’s list demonstrated the ignorance of the AA. However perhaps the arrogance of the Mayor, really reflects the Christchurch City Civic leaders in their quest to spend money on cultural awareness at the suffering of the citizens of Christchurch who are already culturally aware.
Mayor Bob Parker is quoted as also expressing the AA should stay with helping old ladies with flat tires. That is a Mayor whose arrogance, self importance and inflated ego is a disgrace to what is one of New Zealand’s great cities.

The AA does an extraordinary job of quality across the board for all travelers through New Zealand, New Zealanders and our valued tourists, from flat tires, rescue, accommodation, quality maps and advice. The AA should be congratulated at high lightening the following cities. It is just a general opinion of the AA, sending a message of insight to parts of the country that are often overlooked.

The list of ten cities in order the capital Wellington, Bay of Plenty , Rotoura , Nelson Auckland, Invercargill, Hawke’s Bay, Dunedin and Hamilton. All offer cultural awareness, agriculture, each have a landscape unique to the city.

A city is not all glass, pomp and ceremony that only the elite can afford, but heritage protection, caring for what one has already and above all the people.

copyright. poeticalleadership. marie hazledine-barber

Friday, July 10, 2009

Her Tiny Hands Were Frozen

The Electricity Commission of New Zealand under the Heading of Undesirable Trading Situation: to quote:

“An undesirable trading situation (UTS) arises when there is a threat to orderly trading on the wholesale market or settlement that cannot otherwise be resolved satisfactorily under the rules. The Commission is able to investigate any potential UTS and can take actions, as it considers appropriate, including suspending rule requirements and imposing new requirements on participants.

The Undesirable Trading Situation (UTS): Guidelines for Participants documents the framework within which the Board intends to manage a UTS, and sets out the process and contact details for parties to use in order to have the Board promptly consider any claim that a UTS exists or is developing.”

The Commerce Commission has confirmed its report into the electricity market has found generators used their market power to strip more than $4 billion from NZ over a six year period, though no breach of the Commerce Act occurred. Overcharging and the lame excuse by power companies holding over for the dry seasons, yeah right, the question is how can companies take from New Zealand $4 billion when power fails, lines in dis-repair or not upgrade and major bolts are rusted causing black outs in major cities.

If there is the “dry season” (which is not that dry in New Zealand) then turn off all the advertising lights and leave essential service lights on.

The elderly and sick, the low income earners suffer through winter not affording heat or lumbered with crippling power bills.

The new iniatives for heat pumps and insulation the offer of subsidy is so minimal many cannot afford the upgrade, city councils as Landlords with disabled tenants, or those with special needs, or the sick instead of spending millions on projects over and over revamping the inner city as some projects seem to last about 5 years before it is ripped out and started again should be investing in the people of the city in the rented homes.

Planning, Decision-Making and Accountability section for Christchurch City Council views millions being spent when so many in the tenanted homes are suffering the freezing cold due unaffordabilty to pay for power for small heaters that are inefficient anyway.

Those millions could be invested in heat pumps which are efficient for the Christchurch City winters, for all citizens: rate payers included, instead of “ decorating the city” to generate more income in the face of a recession where people are losing their jobs and do not have the surplus money to spend even those that are working. Only an elite few with blinkers on do not see the plight of its people, requests of input and asked to heard then the elite few play deaf ignoring any input. If it is contrary to their idea then it is swept aside.

The Undesirable Trading Situation (UTS): so describes the powers in New Zealand. New Zealand could be the envy of the world or the joke. The millions spent and drained from this country is The Undesirable Trading Situation.

No wonder the children are like the Little Matchstick girl of England a hundred years ago and to quote as she passed away frozen in the snow when she lit a match for warmth “her tiny hands were frozen”

copyright: poeticalleaderhip. marie hazledine-barber

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Does Mankind 's Survival Depend in Space? or Is Everthing is Possible?

A question posed today was "Does mankind survival depend on exploration/settlement in space" It is such a mess on earth, war,cross cultural tension by every race colour and creed, under utilizing natural resources, abject poverty, disease,

My reply is simple "it may be possible however when you run away from home the one thing you always take is yourself." (and maybe your teddy bear)

For the 21st century at the highest level the thinking and awareness has to change in everything. For all countries so mankind is not reduced to the level of eating rats and toxic vegetation. Hunger is a wild beast that has no mercy. Hunger is not just food, hunger to feel safe, hunger for security of the future generations for our children, hunger comes in many overcoats.

To grow one also needs to reach outside oneself and consider all the possibilities that seek an avenue for the betterment of mankind.

If the world becomes frightened the possibilities can become the veneer on the table top of a 1950's coffee shop. Practical tools, simple steps to live in ones community: wisdom is a key used for the circumstance's around one that one may not be able to control.

If the plot of land is taken from one and they are told to grow something to eat, the helplessness is that of the elephant at the end of the rope tied to the stake. Even the strongest become weak.

copyright. poeticalleadership. marie hazledine-barber

Friday, July 3, 2009


Holding Hands with Father Time

Dear Old Father Time. When was time not time, when there was no measure but quiet changes smooth as accurate perfection in whatever life form. Time was never not there, just not observed or measured.

Measured time surfaced from quiet observation in sunlight. Finger of the sun casting shadows measured by a thinking Babylon priest. A disk with markings carved in brass. The first sun dial. An obelisk stood tall and over 'time' after almost endless observations by careful measurement the year was divided by the sun not seasons. The sun cast the shadow of the obelisk into three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth "suns" or known today as days.

The seasons became attached to time in progress so did man in every movement. Craftsmanship is time. Time today is lost. Where did dear Old Father Time go?. Time is so measured there is no more time and craftsmanship left behind in the race for time.

A wise man holds the hands of Father Time and makes time.

Whatever the wise man chooses that is 'real time'.

copyright: poetcialleadership. marie hazledine-barber

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Metaphysical Law

Metaphysical Law, how does this play a role in your life. Metaphysics is the wisdom of ancients. There should be a chair in all schools / university's to study this. It is as important today as it was centuries ago. However over time philosophy shrouded by a blanket of theology the art of metaphysical law became swallowed in the dark halls of obscurantism.

Biblical quote of "do not cast the pearls before the swine" holds a wealth of wisdom associated to the word secret. A word seen today over and over in advertising, books all claiming "Discover the Secret" what is the secret. What happened to the hermetic seal of philosophy. Thrown open before the "swine" no longer a secret as it was for many of the ancients embattled with theologians. Their way to be the only way , whereas the way is many roads. Hermes Triismegistus from where the Hermetic Seal or secret derives from is the heart of metaphysical law as said in the Kybalion "The lips of wisdom are closed, except the ears of understanding."

It is said " Every cause has its effects; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law" ( The Kydalion)

What is the purpose of being secret?. Not casting the pearls before the swine, is it a conscious choice of self responsibility. How does one adopt wisdom, philosophy,theology in everyday life of choices?. The forks in the road of life choices.

copyright: poeticalleadership: marie hazledine-barber

Meaning of Life?

A question many ask and indeed search for. What does life mean to you. What is your purpose in life is the question. It has been suggested meaning was once given, handed down by our "elders and betters ". Through the ages so it has, a discipline to give order or governance across all race, colour or creed, people accepted, direction and purpose to the individuals lives their contribution within that structure was the meaning of life.. Picasso painting the agony of Spain. Charles Dickens portraying the real England promoting social change, I could write an endless list the point being the artists expression or the writers, is extensions beyond the self, through the works raising conscious awareness.

As a US President stated "Do not ask your country what it can do for you, ask what can I do for my country" in other words be responsible for yourself.

I have a saying "ABC" Action, Behaviour, Consequences. It is your action that is your behaviour therefore it is your consequence. This can be applied in any situation.

The meaning of life is within you, asking the question. We live in a world of great beauty and wealth for all to share if the conscious awareness is raised by the captains of industry/government the face of the workplace changes, social structure for the betterment of mankind. The key is self responsibility that becomes global responsibility giving the meaning to life.

Live in the question for infinite possibilities, if your attitude changes that is positive then things around you change so is the excitement and thrilling act of being human just being consciously aware.

copyright: poeticalleadership marie hazledine-barber